A.c. Impedance Measurement of CP-Ti in 0.1 M NaOH Solution |
Sungmo Moon, Mikyung Kwon, Jusuk Kim |
Korea Institute of Materials Science;Dentis;Dentis; |
Abstract |
A.c. impedances of mechanically polished CP-Ti specimens were measured at open-circuit potential (OCP) with immersion time and under applied anodic potentials between -0.2 and 1 $V_{Ag/AgCl}$ in 0.1 M NaOH solution. Capacitances of native oxide films ($C_{ox,na}$) grown naturally and capacitances of anodic oxide films ($C_{ox,an}$) formed under applied anodic potentials were obtained to examine the growth of native and anodic oxide films in 0.1 M NaOH solution and how to use $C_{ox,na}$ for the surface area measurement of Ti specimen. $1/C_{ox,na}$ and $1/C_{ox,an}$ appeared to be linearly proportional to OCP and applied potential ($E_{app}$), with proportional constants of 0.086 and 0.051 $uF^{-1};V^{-1}$, respectively. The $C_{ox,na}$ also appeared to be linearly proportional to geometric surface area of the mechanically polished CP-Ti fixture specimen, with proportional constants of 11.3 and $8.5{mu}F;cm^{-2}$ at -0.45 $V_{Ag/AgCl}$ and -0.25 $V_{Ag/AgCl}$ of OCPs, respectively, in 0.1 M NaOH solution. This linear relationship between $C_{ox,na}$ and surface area is suggested to be applicable for the measurement of real surface area of Ti specimen. |
A.c. impedance, Titanium, Capacitance, Oxide film, Surface area measurement |