J. Electrochem. Sci. Technol Search


J. Electrochem. Sci. Technol > Volume 4(1); 2013 > Article
Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology 2013;4(1):41-45.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.5229/JECST.2013.4.1.41   
Highly Sensitive and Selective Glucose Sensor Realized by Conducting Polymer Modified Nanoporous PtZn Alloy Electrode
Hyejin Jo, Hushan Piao, Yongkeun Son
Department of chemistry and BK21 School of Chemical Materials Science, Sungkyunkwan University;Department of chemistry and BK21 School of Chemical Materials Science, Sungkyunkwan University;Department of chemistry and BK21 School of Chemical Materials Science, Sungkyunkwan University;
Platinum is a well known element which shows a significant electrocatalytic activity in many important applications. In glucose sensor, because of the poisoning effect of reaction intermediates and the low surface area, the electrocatalytic activity towards the glucose oxidation is low which cause the low sensitivity. So, we fabricate a nanoporous PtZn alloy electrode by deposition-dissolution method. It provides a high active surface and a large enzyme encapsulating space per unit area when it used for an enzymatic glucose sensor. Glucose oxidase was immobilized on the electrode surface by capping with PEDOT composite and PPDA. The composite and PPDA also can exclude the interference ion such as ascorbic acid and uric acid to improve the selectivity. The surface area was determined by cyclic voltametry method and the surface structure and the element were analyzed by Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX), respectively. The sensitivity is $13.5{mu}A/mM;cm^2$. It is a remarkable value with such simply prepared senor has high selectivity.
Keywords: Glucose biosensor, Conducting polymer, Amperometric detection, PEDOT, Electrochemical polymerization, Alloy


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