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The Journal of Electrochemical Science and Technology publishes high–level Communications, Research Articles and Mini-Reviews related to all range of electrochemical science and technology. It aims for high-speed reviewing process in 2 weeks and maintains Full Open Access with no fee for both authors and readers. The journal is quarterly published by the Korean Electrochemical Society. Contributions from members and non-members are equally welcome.
- Communication is restricted to unusual urgent, significant reports. A brief statement explaining the urgency should be included in cover letter. It should not exceed 10 double spaced manuscript pages, including artworks.
- Research Article is the most appropriate for publication in JECST. It should report original fundamental or applied studies in comprehensive but concise manner to provide new scientific and technical insight.
- Mini-Review presents critical analysis of a topical subject. The author(s) can be invited by the journal. A person who wants to submit a Mini-Review should consult Editor-in-Chief by sending 1~2 page proposal before submitting a full review.
JECST accepts online manuscript submissions only, via e-Submission. After log-in, upload cover letter, manuscript in Word format (2010 for Windows and later versions), manuscript in PDF, and supporting information if available. The suggested reviewers can be added during the upload. The person who may have a conflict of interest in reviewing your manuscript, such as former advisers, students, or recent collaborators, should not be suggested as a reviewer.
Title Page
The purpose of the title is to underscore the primary objective of the paper. Further, the full names of authors should be mentioned, and a footnote indicating the name of the corresponding author (i.e., the author to whom all correspondences will be directed) should be inserted in the manuscript. If required, the address of the institution in which the research was conducted should be provided in a footnote as an alternative in case there is a change in the corresponding author’s address provided in the manuscript.
- Title: The title should be specific and informative. It should be brief but should define the subject of the paper. If trade names are used, generic names should be given in parentheses. Mentioning key concepts in the title makes it more likely that readers will be able to find the article in a literature search.
- Authorship: The first name, middle initial(s), and last name of each author should be listed without professional and official titles. The complete mailing address(es) where the work was performed should be listed. When the present address of an author is different, the new contact information should be provided in a footnote. An e-mail address for the corresponding author should be included.
- Abstract and Keywords: An abstract should be provided for all articles, communications, notes, and reviews. Abstracts should be no longer than 350 words and explain briefly the reason for the work, the significant results, and conclusions. At the end of the abstract, a maximum of 5 keywords representing the main content of the article should be given.
Main Text
The manuscript will generally include an Introduction, Experimental, Results and Discussion, and Conclusions, but some manuscripts (e.g., reviews) may follow a somewhat different format. Sections should be given Arabic numbers with subsections numbered using the decimal system. For example:
Roman numerals are not used. The Editors reserve the right to combine sections when subdivisions have been used to excess. The authors should assume readers to be professionals who are not necessarily experts in the subject of the paper; therefore, acronyms should be spelled out on first use in the abstract and again on first use in the body of the paper.
- Introduction: The purpose and significance of the research should be stated clearly and put into the context of earlier work in the area. A complete survey of the literature should not be attempted. If a recent article has summarized work on the subject, that article should be cited without repeating its individual citations.
- Experimental: The Experimental section should provide a clear, unambiguous description of materials, methods, and equipment in sufficient detail to permit repetition of the work elsewhere. Details of procedures that are common knowledge to those in the field or that the authors have published previously should be omitted. A brief mention of published procedures may be included; details should be left to the literature cited.
- Results and Discussion: In this section, the authors should state the key findings and discuss them, postulate explanations for data, elucidate models, and compare results with those of other studies. The discussion should be complete but concise. Irrelevant comparisons or contrasts and speculations unsupported by the new information presented in the paper should be avoided. The results and discussion may be combined or separated.
- Conclusions: A brief summary should be given for the main conclusions of the research and give a clear explanation of their importance and relevance.
- Acknowledgement: Proper acknowledgements for financial support(s), assistant(s) should be written in a concise way. Dedication should be given here.
- Supporting Information Paragraph: If the main text is associated with Supporting Information, a paragraph indicating the nature of any material in it should be included as in the following format:
Supporting Information: Description of the contents.
- References: In the text the cited literatures should be indicated by number(s) in square brackets in line with the text; In References the cited literatures should be numbered with square brackets in the order in which they appear in the text.
- Tables and Figures
Sequences of tables, charts, and schemes should be numbered with Arabic numerals.
Tables should be included at the appropriate point in the text. Footnotes to tables should be typed below the table and should be referred to by superscript lowercase letters. Tables should not duplicate results presented elsewhere in the manuscript, e.g., in graphs. Tables should be furnished with appropriate titles of one phrase or sentence; details or definitions should be placed in footnotes.
Figures including Charts, diagrams, schemes, and photographs are all to be referred to as Figures. Original drawings and photographs should be attached to the end of the main text. For the production of the paper we require high resolution graphic files in JPG, GIF, or PPT format. Graphics should have the following minimum resolution: black-and-white line art, 1200 dpi; grayscale, 600; and color, 300 dpi. For best results, illustrations should be submitted in the actual size at which they should appear. Lettering should be of a size that can be read after reduction. The axes should be labeled outside a graph. Legends should correctly and sufficiently describe the contents of a figure. Gray tones reproduce poorly and should not be used as background or as data points. For color images, yellow is often difficult to see on a white background
- Nomenclature: Authors should use systematic names similar to those used by the Chemical Abstracts Service or the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry. Chemical Abstracts (CA) nomenclature rules are contained in Appendix VI of the current CA Index Guide. For specialized nomenclature, a nomenclature section should be included at the end of the paper, giving definitions and dimensions for all terms. If subscripts and superscripts are necessary, they should be placed accurately. Trivial names should be avoided. Trade names should be defined at the point of first use and registered trade names should begin with a capital letter.
- Formulas and Equations: Chemical formulas should correspond to the ACS Style Guide, 3rd ed., 2006. Chemical equations should be balanced and numbered consecutively along with mathematical equations. Mathematical arguments should be as brief as possible.
- Units: Standard metric units should be used for describing length, height, weight, and volume. The unit of temperature should be given in degrees Celsius (°C). All others should be in terms of the International System of Units (SI). The unit billion (109 in America, 1012 in Europe) is ambiguous and must not be used. All units must be preceded by one space except percentage (%) and temperature (°C).
Author’s Checklist
- Manuscript in MS-WORD (.doc) format.
- Double-spaced typing with 12-point font.
- Sequence of title page, abstract and keywords, introduction, methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, references, tables, and figure legends. All Pages numbered consecutively, starting with the abstract.
- Title page with article title, authors’ full name(s) and affiliation(s), address for correspondence (including telephone number, e-mail address, and fax number), running title (less than 10 words), and acknowledgements, if any. - Abstract in structured format up to 350 words for original articles.
- All table and figure numbers are found in the text.
- Figures as separate files, in JPG, GIF, or PPT format.
- References listed in proper format. All references listed in the reference section are cited in the text.
Manuscripts must be original in concept, content, and writing. An author cannot reuse wording from other publications, including one’s own previous publications, whether or not that publication is cited.
The acceptance criteria for all papers are based on the quality and originality of the research and its scientific significance. The initial decision can be made by Editor-in-Chief or through a normal reviewing procedure within 2 weeks of receipt of a manuscript. The number of reviewers to be asked should be at least two. The reviewers’ comments are sent to the corresponding authors by e-mail and the revised manuscript must be submitted online within 4 weeks. Failure in meeting timeline can be regarded as a withdrawal.
Revisions: When submitting a revised manuscript to the journal, the cover letter must indicate that it is a revision of a previous manuscript and provide the manuscript number. The cover letter should state how the manuscript has been changed compared with the original; a detailed list of responses to each of the comments of the reviewers or convincing reasons for declining to do so should be included with the letter. An author who strongly believes that the paper was not judged fairly should explain why in the cover letter.
Resubmission: When resubmitting a rejected manuscript, the author should follow the procedures for submission of a new manuscript. Resubmission should be identified by referencing the previous manuscript number. Please, note that resubmission will be subject to another normal reviewing process.
Copyrights: Once the manuscript is accepted, authors are expected to agree to the ‘Transfer of Copyright’, when the article is accepted for publication. The transfer of copyright covers the exclusive rights to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, photographic reproductions, microform, or any other reproduction of similar nature, and includes the right to adapt the article for use in conjunction with computer systems and programs, including publication in machine-readable form and incorporation in retrieval systems.
Open Access Policy: This journal adopts Open Access model to transmit electronic version of articles to readers without any subscription or fee and to archive in a sustainable way. Thus, all publications will be distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and sources are credited.
The corresponding authors of an accepted manuscript will be notified by e-mail for examining the galley proof. Proofs should be confirmed and returned as soon as possible. Extensive or important changes such as title and authorship will not be allowed.
Reprints are not available.
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