1. Introduction
The electrochemical reduction of CO
2 is a promising technology that could potentially provide carbonneutral fuels with relatively high coulombic efficiency.
1-3) The CO
2 reduction using homogeneous electrocatalysts has been extensively studied due to its intrinsic advantage of the relative low overpotential compared to the direct CO
2 reduction on metal electrodes
3]. Among the homogeneous electrocatalysts, Ni(II)-cyclam (cyclam: 1,4,8,11-tetrazazcyclotetradecane) and its derivatives have been known to exhibit remarkable efficiency and selectivity in converting CO
2 to CO
9]. It has been revealed that Ni(I)-cyclam, generated by one-electron-reduction of Ni(II)-cyclam, is the active catalytic species and the cyclam ligand stabilizes the Ni(I) state
10]. Ni(II)-cyclam, however, still exhibits rather high overpotential (ca. −0.6 V), leading to the low energy efficiency for CO
2 conversion. In addition, Ni(II)-cyclam necessitates a mercury electrode to avoid hydrogen evolution and shows much less electrocatalytic activities on other environmentally-benign electrodes
In contrast to the extensive works on Ni(II)-cyclam, the studies on the cyclam complexes of other transition metals (e.g., Co, Cu) are scarce
15].It has been known that Cu(I)-cyclam is unstable so that Cu(I) ion is liberated from the complex upon a cathodic polarization, which is a serious drawback as an electrocatalyst
13]. This demetalation issue, however, has not been fully addressed yet. It was reported that the both the smaller and larger macrocyclic complexes than 14-membered cyclam leads to stabilization of Cu(I) state, and thus suppressed demetalation behavior
13]. It was also claimed that the N-alkylation of cyclam stabilizes the Cu(I)- and Ni(I)-cyclams both by increasing the cavity size and by decreasing the ligand field strength imparted by the nitrogen donor atom
[15], which leads to a positive shift in the M(II)/M(I) potential
15]. In the prior works, however, the catalytic activities of the Cu(II)-complexes for CO
2 reduction were not reported.
In this study, Cu(II) complexes of cyclam, propylene cross-bridged cyclam (PCB-cyclam), and propylene cross-bridged cyclam diacetate (PCB-TE2A) (
Fig. 1) were prepared, and investigated as homogeneous electrocatalysts for CO
2 reduction. With an aim to address the demetalation issue of Cu(II)-cyclam, N-alkylation with a cross-bridging propylene group in Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam was adopted with the following two rationales: (1) altering the macrocycle size to stabilize the central Cu ion, (2) blocking one of the two open sites of Cu(II)-cyclam. In Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A, N-diacetate groups are supposed to add further steric and electronic effects on Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam. The redox properties and demetalation behaviors of the Cu(II)-complexes were examined using cyclic voltammetry in aqueous solution on glassy carbon electrode in comparison with Ni(II)-cyclam.
Fig. 1.
Chemical structures of Ni(II)-cyclam, Cu(II)-cyclam, Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam, and Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A.
3. Results and discussion
Before investigating the electrocatalytic activity of Cu(II)-cyclam derivatives, the redox reactions of Ni(II)-cyclam, the most representative electrocatalyst for CO
2 reduction, was examined for comparison. The cyclic voltammograms (CVs) of Ni(II)-cyclam in tri-HCl buffer solution (pH 8.25) are presented in
Fig. 2. In a N
2-saturated condition, an irreversible reduction wave of Ni(II)/Ni(I) couple apprears at −1.22 V, which matches with prior studies reporting irreversible behaviors of Ni(II)/Ni(I) redox couple on a glassy carbon electrode in tri-HCl buffer and KCl solution
8]. Some other studies, however, reported quasi-reversible behaviors for the Ni(II)/Ni(I) couple
6]. It seems that the reversibility of Ni(II)/Ni(I)-cyclam is affected by the experimental conditions (e.g., supporting electrolyte, pH, working electrode materials), which deserves further study. In a CO
2-saturated solution, a large reduction current corresponding to electrocatalytic CO
2 reduction is observed. The onset potential of the CO
2 reduction is determined to be −1.18 V, which is consistent with prior studies
Fig. 2.
Cyclic voltammograms of 1 mM Ni(II)-cyclam in 50 mM tri-HCl buffer (pH 8.25) purged with N2 or CO2. The cyclic voltammogram without Ni(II)-cyclam in buffer solution with CO2 is shown for comparison. Glassy carbon working electrode, 50 mV·s−1 scan rate. Inset in Fig. 2: an enlarged view over negative potential limit.
The CVs of Cu(II)-cyclam in tris-HCl buffer with and without CO
2 are shown in
Fig. 3. The reduction of Cu(II)-cyclam takes place through two steps. A Cu(II)/Cu(I) peak appears at −0.85 V (peak A), a Cu(I)/Cu(0) peak at −1.05 V (peak B)
[12], and the solvent decomposition current follows at below −1.2 V. In a CO
2-saturated solution, the reduction currents are notably increased and the peak potentials are shifted to positive direction (i.e., −0.81 V (peak A’) and −0.97 V (peak B’)). The onset potential of CO
2 reduction by Cu(II)- cyclam is determined about −0.7 V, which is much less negative than that by Ni(II)-cyclam (−1.18 V). The theoretical potential for the CO
2/CO conversion is known to be −0.78 V vs. Ag/AgCl in pH 8 tris-HCl buffer solution saturated with 1 atm CO
2 [8]. Despite the slightly different experimental conditions, it can be stated that the electrocatalytic CO
2 reduction by Cu(II)-cyclam takes place near the thermodynamic potential. During the anodic scan, however, a large oxidation peak (peak C or peak C’) appears at around 0.0 V, which is attributed to the oxidation of Cu(I) ion/Cu atom released from Cu(I)-cyclam
[12]. This manifests a severe demetalation behavior of Cu(II)-cyclam, which is a critical drawback as an electrocatalyst for CO
2 reduction.
Fig. 3.
(a) Cyclic voltammograms of 1 mM Cu(II)-cyclam in 50 mM tri-HCl buffer (pH 8.25) purged with N2 or CO2. Glassy carbon working electrode, 100 mV·s−1 scan rate. (b) an enlarged view of (a).
The CVs of Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam and Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A, which were rationally designed to mitigate the demetalation behavior of Cu(II)-cyclam are shown in
Fig. 4. It is noted that N-alkylation affects the redox properties of Cu(II)-cyclam in the following three aspects: (1) Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam exhibits only a quasi-reversible redox peak of Cu(II)/Cu(I) couple without showing Cu(I)/Cu redox reaction (
Fig. 4a). (2) the redox potential of Cu(II)/Cu(I) couple is much more positive (−0.50 V) than that of un-substituted Cu(II)-cyclam (−0.85 V). (3) Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam shows much smaller (< 50%) Cu oxidation current, indicating mitigated demetalation compared to Cu(II)-cyclam.
Fig. 4.
Cyclic voltammograms of (a) 1 mM Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam and (b) 1mM Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A in 50 mN tri-HCl buffer (pH 8.25) with and without CO2. Glassy carbon working electrode, 100 mV·s−1 scan rate. Inset in Fig. 4a: an enlarged view over negative potential limit.
These results are consistent with the previous claims that the N-alkylation of cyclam stabilizes the Cu(I)- and Ni(I)-cyclams, leading to a positive shift in the M(II)/M(I) potential
15]. It can be viewed that the stabilized Cu(I)-PCB-cyclam also resulted in the absence of M(I)/M redox reaction and in the diminished demetalation. However, the cathodic behavior of Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam is hardly increased under CO
2, implying that the presence of a cross-bridging propylene group seriously deactivates the electrocatalytic ability of Cu(II)-cyclam. The negligible electrocatalytic activity of Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam seems to be due to the too positive reduction potential (−0.50 V) for the theoretical CO
2 reduction potential (−0.78 V). It is supposed that the optimum reduction potential of an electrocatalyst would be only slightly more negative than the CO
2 reduction potential.
Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A also exhibits a quasi-reversible Cu(II)/Cu(I) redox reaction centered at −0.82 V. The reduction potential of Cu(II)/Cu(I) couple is −0.88 V, which is similar to that of un-substituted Cu(II)-cyclam (−0.85 V) but much more negative than Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam (−0.50 V). It seems that diacetic groups in a PCB-cyclam backbone increase the electron density around a Cu(II) ion, and thus make the Cu(II)/Cu(I) reduction of Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A unfavored compared to more Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam. It seems also possible that the presence of diacetic groups returns the cavity size of Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam to that of Cu(II)-cyclam, probably by generating a counter-strain at the other side of cyclam plane of a cross-bridged propylene group.
Notably, the Cu oxidation current is greatly suppressed in Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A. The excellent resistance of Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A to reduction-induced demetalation is ascribed to thorough protection of Cu(II)-cyclam backbone by the two Cu-coordinating acetate groups as well as by a cross-bridging propylene moiety
[17]. Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A, however, shows only marginal electrocatalytic activity for CO
2 reduction. This poor electrocatalytic activity of Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A is rather unexpected when considering the redox potential (−0.82 V) suitable for the CO
2 reduction (−0.78 V) and the enhanced stability of Cu(I) state of the complex. Although further investigation is needed, it is supposed that the steric hindrance around the central Cu ion in Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A is too large to allow the intimate interaction with CO
2 molecules.
Based on the results obtained so far, it can be inferred that, to design efficient electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction, one should consider the stereochemical factor to allow facile interaction with CO2 molecules in addition to the proper redox potential and chemical stability of the catalysts. The lessons learned from this study would be helpful to understand the detailed CO2 reduction mechanism of homogeneous electrocatalyst and to develop novel catalysts surpassing Ni(II)-cyclam, the current most efficient electrocatalyst for CO2 reduction.
4. Conclusions
Cu(II)-cyclam, Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam, and Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A were compared as homogeneous electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction in tris-HCl buffer (pH 8.45) on a glassy carbon electrode. It was revealed that Cu(II)-cyclam catalyzes CO2 reduction at much lower overpotential than Ni(II)-cyclam, the current most representative electrocatalyst. However, Cu(II)-cyclam showed severe demetalation behavior owing to the insufficient stability of Cu(I) state. The demetalation issue was greatly mitigated in Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam, in which a cross-bridging propylene is supposed to stabilize Cu(I)-PCB-cyclam. Cu(II)-PCB-cyclam, however, exhibited poor electrocatalytic activity, which is possible ascribed to its redox potential too high for CO2 reduction. Cu(II)-PCB-TE2A exhibited further suppressed demetalation and appropriate redox potential for CO2 reduction, but was turned out to show only marginal electrocatalytic activity, which is attributed to large steric hindrance preventing facile contact with CO2 molecules. This study also suggests that stereochemical factor is as crucial as the redox potential and chemical stability of the electrocatalysts for CO2 reduction.