Synthesis of Li2Mn3O7 and Application to Hybrid Capacitor |
Hun-Uk Kim, Kyoung-Hee Shin, Bum-Suk Lee, Myung-Seok Jeon, Kyu-Nam Jung, Yang-Kook Sun, Chang-Soo Jin |
Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University;Korea Institute of Energy research;Korea Institute of Energy research;Korea Institute of Energy research;Korea Institute of Energy research;Department of Chemical Engineering, Hanyang University;Korea Institute of Energy research; |
Abstract |
In order to apply hybrid capacitor, $Li_2Mn_3O_7$ was synthesized by combustion method using $LiNO_3$, $Li(CH_3COO){cdot}2H_2O$ and $Mn(CH_3COO){cdot}4H_2O$. Spinel pattern was identified the samples calcined over $400^{circ}C$ in XRD. Intensity of $Mn_2O_3$ peak increased as the calcination temperature increased. To decide n/p ratio and to investigate electrochemical properties, charge-discharge tests of Li/$Li_2Mn_3O_7$ and Li/AC half-cell were carried out. Applying to AC/$Li_2Mn_3O_7$ hybrid capacitor, it had high discharge capacitance of 32.8 F/cc at 100 mA/g. |
$Li_2Mn_3O_7$, Hybrid capacitor, Decomposition, Discharge capacitance |